Dr. Andrés J. Cortés
University of Gothenburg (SE)
Professional Preparation
Research Associate. Project. University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2016-present
Postdoctoral Researcher. University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2016-2017
Postdoctoral Researcher. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. 2015.
Ph.D. Plant Genetics and Ecology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. 2011-2015
M.Sc. Biological Sciences, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. 2010-2011
B.Sc. Biology (cum laude), Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. 2006-2009
Selected Publications
Sedlacek J, AJ Cortés, JA Wheeler, O Bossdorf, G Hoch, J Klapste, C Lexer, C Rixen, S Wipf, S Karrenberg, M van Kleunen. Evolutionary potential in
the Alpine: trait heritabilities and performance variation of Salix herbacea from different elevations and microhabitats. Ecology & Evolution (2016).
Blair MW, AJ Cortés, D This. Identification of an ERECTA gene and drought adaptation associations in wild and
cultivated common bean. Plant Science (2016)
Cortés AJ, S Waeber, C Lexer, J Sedlacek, J Wheeler, M van Kleunen, O Bossdorf, G Hoch, C Rixen, S Wipf, S Karrenberg. Small-scale patterns in snowmelt timing affect gene flow and the distribution of genetic diversity in the alpine
dwarf shrub Salix herbacea. Heredity (2014)
Cortés AJ. On the Origin of the Common Bean. American Journal of Plant Sciences (2013).
Cortés AJ, FA Monserrate, J Ramírez-V, S Madriñán, MW Blair. Drought Tolerance in Wild Plant Populations: the Case of Common Beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) PloS ONE (2013).
Blair MW, AJ Cortés, RV Penmetsa, A Farmer, N Carrasquilla-Garcia, DR Cook. A high-throughput SNP marker system for parental polymorphism
screening, and diversity analysis in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2013).
Blair MW, A Soler, AJ Cortés. Diversification and Population Structure in Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) PloS ONE (2012).
Cortés AJ, MC Chavarro, S Madriñán, D This, MW Blair. Molecular ecology and selection of drought related Asr genes in wild and cultivated common
bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) BMC Genetics (2012).
Cortés AJ, D This, MC Chavarro, S Madriñán, MW Blair. Nucleotide diversity patterns at Dreb2 genes, candidate for drought tolerance, in wild and
cultivated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2012).
Galeano CH, AJ Cortés, AC Fernandez, A Soler, N Franco-Herrera, G Makunde, J Vanderleyden, MW Blair. Gene-based single nucleotide polymorphism
markers for genetic and association mapping in common bean. BMC Genetics (2012).
Kelleher CT, J Wilkin, J Zhuang, AJ Cortés, AL Perez, TF Gallagher, J Bohlmann, CJ Douglas, K Ritland. SNP discovery, gene diversity, and linkage disequilibrium in wild populations of Populus tremuloides. Tree Genetics & Genomes (2012).
Cortés AJ, MC Chavarro, MW Blair. SNP marker diversity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2011).