8th, 10th and 11th September 2025
To foster international participation, this course will be held online
This course on invasion genomics offers a comprehensive three-day program designed to introduce participants to key concepts and techniques in the field. Through a combination of recorded
lectures and self-paced tutorials, attendees will delve into three main topics, including movement dynamics, adaptation dynamics, and genotype-by-environment interactions relevant to invasive
species. On Day One, participants will learn a variety of methods for understanding population diversity and differentiation. Day Two will include an introduction to various selection outlier
scanning methods. Day Three will focus on the role of environmental variables in determining adaptive outcomes.
Participants will gain fundamental knowledge (~ 1-2 hr/day) and practical experience (~3 hr/day) that advances their research in this rapidly evolving field. Participants will also be able to
interact with the instructors regarding any issues encountered or discussion points raised.
The course is aimed at graduate students, researchers and professionals interested in invasion genomics. Participants should have a basic understanding of genetics/genomics and evolutionary
biology, as well as familiarity with R. To ensure you can follow the course effectively, we recommend that participants without prior experience in R complete this R tutorial before
• McGaughran A, Liggins L, Marske KA, Dawson MD, Schiebelhut LM, Lavery S, Knowles L, Moritz C, Riginos C (2022). Comparative phylogeography in the genomic age: opportunities and challenges. Journal of Biogegoraphy, 49, 2130-2144. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14481
• North HL, McGaughran A, Jiggins C (2021). Insights into invasive species from whole-genome resequencing. Molecular Ecology, 30, 6289-6308.
Monday - 8th September
Movement dynamics: inferring invasion sources, dispersal pathways, and population structure
Recorded lecture: Introduction to invasion genomics and the key kinds of research questions and methods we use to address
them. We’ll also cover analytical challenges associated with invasive species projects.
Tutorial 1: Analysis of genetic diversity and differentiation: Genomic diversity, Tajima’s D, FST, PCA, sNMF, population assignment, ...
Wednesday - 10th September
Adaptation dynamics: inferring selection processes in the invaded range
Recorded lecture: Selection analyses and how we can use them to infer adaptive process in invasive species/populations.
Tutorial 2: Analysis using several outlier detection methods: BayPass , PCAdapt, OutFlank, FST-based, ...
Thursday. 11th September
Role of the environment: inferring adaptation to local conditions using GEA
Recorded lecture: Introduction to environmental association analysis and its potential use for understanding invasive species adaptation
Tutorial 3: Analysis of two GEA packages: LFMM and RDA
Cancellation Policy:
> 30 days before the start date = 30% cancellation fee
< 30 days before the start date= No Refund.
Physalia-courses cannot be held responsible for any travel fees, accommodation or other expenses incurred to you as a result of the cancellation.