Monday - Classes from 9:00 to 17:00
Session 1- Introduction to Linux and the command line (Dr. Martin Taylor)
- Installation of required software
- Introduction to linux operating system
- Working on the command line. Basic bash shell commands and navigation.
- Introduction to Perl and Python
Session 2 - Understanding genomic data formats (Dr. Martin Taylor)
- Understanding and working with VCF files using VCF tools
- Data conversion and manipulation using Plink
- Text editors
Tuesday - Classes from 9:00 to 17:00
Session 3- Introduction to genetic analysis in R (Dr. Lewis Spurgin)
- Introduction to R
- Reading data into R
- Data manipulation in R
- Introduction to Adegenet and other genetics packages
Session 4- Genomic diversity estimation (Dr. Lewis Spurgin)
- Estimating heterozygosity and nucleotide diversity
- Hardy Weinberg
- Linkage disequilibrium
- Introduction to ggplot2
Wednesday - Classes from 9:00 to 17:00
Session 5- Population structure and differentiation (Dr. Martin Taylor & Dr. Lewis Spurgin)
- Estimating and understanding FST
- Visualising genetic structure using MDS and PCA
- STRUCTURE and related software
- Estimating migration
Session 6- Identifying selection within populations (Dr. Lewis Spurgin)
- Marker-based genetic diversity
- Introduction to sliding windows
- Tajima’s D and related statistics
- Introduction to GO analyses
Thursday - Classes from 9:00 to 17:00
Session 7-Identifying selection among populations (Dr. Lewis Spurgin)
- FST outlier analysis
- EigenGWAS
Session 8-Incorporating landscape and seascape into population genomics (Dr. Martin Taylor)
- Seascape / landscape genetics
- Environmental / genomic correlation
Friday - Classes from 9:00 to 17:00
Session 9-Hybridisation and introgression (Dr. Martin Taylor)
- Identifying hybrids and introgression using genotype data
Session 10-Summary data troubleshooting session (Dr Martin Taylor & Dr Lewis Spurgin)
- Time to answer questions on any areas covered during week.
- Talk to us about your own data