
Monday – Lectures from 15:00 to 18:00 + 4 hours practicals
- Introduction to cartography and GIS
- Spatial data types: vector, raster and beyond
- Spatial scale: resolution and extent
- Cartographic projections and coordinate systems
- Spatial data file formats
- Obtaining GIS data: online data sources
- Introduction to GIS with R: available packages
- Importing, exporting and plotting spatial data with R
- Mapping spatial data and non-spatial attributes
- Playing with map colours and symbols

Tuesday – Lectures from 15:00 to 18:00 + 4 hours practicals
- Managing and manipulating spatial data in R
- Vector GIS operations: filter, subset, select by attribute, select by location, clip, overlay, dissolve, aggregate, disaggregate, join geometries, join attributes, simplify geometry, get centroids
- Raster GIS operations: crop, mask, aggregate / disaggregate (change spatial resolution), reclassify, combine / stack, resample

Wednesday – Lectures from 15:00 to 18:00 + 4 hours practicals
- Spatial analysis with vector maps: distance, buffer, Voronoi polygons / tessellation / Delauney triangulation, random points, vector grids, overlay, intersect, points in polygon, calculate line lengths, calculate polygon areas

- Spatial analysis with raster maps: rasterize, distance surface, contour lines, interpolate, extract, map algebra

Thursday – Lectures from 15:00 to 18:00 + 4 hours practicals
- The sky is the limit: overview of advanced GIS operations in R
- Obtaining and cleaning species occurrence data
- Obtaining and managing environmental data
- Working with multi-band images
- Cartograms
- Interactive maps
- 3D maps

Friday – Lectures from 15:00 to 18:00
- Assisted work on a spatial project of each student’s choice, either with their own data or with provided data
- Student presentations
- Final discussion and outlook